Berlin . Times Square (2020, 81') . Boston . Philadelphia . Paris . NYC


Ces personnes savent que je les filme. Mais elles ne savent pas où je suis.

These people here are aware of the camera. But they do not know where I am.

+ A propos de Standing (FR) / On Standing (ENG)


Cast : Nova Rivers / Carolyn Guerrero / Rebekah Beaver / Jessica de Marville-Mankong / Susan O’Doherty
Jeannie Sol / Sophia Gutchinov / Tianyu / Sidonia Deng / Darcy Joyce Mcgaw / Hannah Duran
Iryna Khadarenka/ Yassema Rondon / Ircania Aybar Banni Simar Kaur / Michael Mankong
Anthony Raiola / Vega Montanez / Bobo Naingwin / Rajbir Singh / Timesofmehr King / Chris Pin